Browsing Archive: December, 2010

When She Walks Into the Room- A Visual Narrative

Posted by Clayton Bray on Thursday, December 23, 2010, In : Art 

Subject to the limits of its walls a room has its restrictions, and its boundaries never change. However, what happens in that room can change everything in a moment… No one can tell us how it happens, or how it works; you can’t predict it, or manipulate it, but it’s a majestic. 

-D. Clayton Bray

See When She Walks Into the Room, here

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Collide- A Visual Narrative

Posted by Clayton Bray on Friday, December 17, 2010, In : Art 

When we come together, I mean humans; we often want it to be safe...soft...the invitation to enjoy one another. But its not really the reality is it? We come bringing everything we are, everything we have done, and we collide... Changing our own existence.
 -D. Clayton Bray

See Collide, 2010 here

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