As I take to the canvas it’s likely that I have beautiful music playing loudly in the background, what can I say, Jonsi and Alex know how to set the atmosphere of creativity. We often drink deeply the inspirations of others and some times we create from them.

Recently I had the pleasure of being a featured artist at Hope in the City, a progressive Fashion Show out to challenge designers, but also give to those that are less fortunate. This year there were over 1100 people in attendance and raising over $17,000 in ticket sales and sponsorships for the downtown battered women's shelter! The 2011 HITC design component was for designers to create original fashion based on another piece of art done by a local artist. Art begets art, one of my pieces was chosen for three designers to create from; I am humbled by the greatness of their work, and I'm inspired to look to collaborate artistically more in the future. 


-D. Clayton Bray


Here are the tear pages of the program; the cover which was a dress made by Lisa Aragon, one of the designers.