Jakob's Sea- A Visual Narrative

August 26, 2011
What does it feel like to be so refreshed in life that your soul feels clean? That's the premise that I started with when painting 'Jakob's Sea'. With art, one can take on a process of creation that really over takes the imagination of the artist and in the end the art piece creates insight that changes the artist himself; at least that is what happened with this painting. Life can be really rough on us, and at times we ask ourselves, 'Am I going to make it through this?', certainly like the feeling of being caught in a storm. A personal situation can put us to the test, to our very core. It is the revealing of our greatest strengths, weaknesses, and what we ultimately value in life. May we take on the storms of life, may they reveal and wash away the worst of us, not only to be cleansed but to come back even more powerful.

-Clayton Bray

See 'Jakob's Sea' here http://dclaytonbray.com/2009.php 



Art begets art:Hope In The City

April 5, 2011

As I take to the canvas it’s likely that I have beautiful music playing loudly in the background, what can I say, Jonsi and Alex know how to set the atmosphere of creativity. We often drink deeply the inspirations of others and some times we create from them.

Recently I had the pleasure of being a featured artist at Hope in the City, a progressive Fashion Show out to challenge designers, but also give to those that are less fortunate. This year there were over 1100 people in attendance and ...

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Exposure- The Narrative behind the Visual

March 25, 2011
I started this piece after working at an orphanage in Tijuana, by work I mean finger painting with the kids. I was inspired a little girls’ painting, and actually wanted to do a beautiful tribute to her, but it went badly. It didn’t make sense, and it wasn’t beautiful… More over it was a mess, and far from the hopeful tribute that I desired. I worked on this piece for 6 months with no avail, and I couldn’t work on any other piece, it haunted my imagination… So I just started to ex...

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When She Walks Into the Room- A Visual Narrative

December 23, 2010

Subject to the limits of its walls a room has its restrictions, and its boundaries never change. However, what happens in that room can change everything in a moment… No one can tell us how it happens, or how it works; you can’t predict it, or manipulate it, but it’s a majestic. 

-D. Clayton Bray

See When She Walks Into the Room, here

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Collide- A Visual Narrative

December 17, 2010

When we come together, I mean humans; we often want it to be safe...soft...the invitation to enjoy one another. But its not really the reality is it? We come bringing everything we are, everything we have done, and we collide... Changing our own existence.
 -D. Clayton Bray

See Collide, 2010 here

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